Alya Sufiyah (Day 2 - 28 June 2018)


{What happened today?} 
After having breakfast in the morning, we had some time to ourselves to practice our speech for the poster presentations. I went to the washrooms a few time to practice as it was the quietest place without any distractions. When it was finally time for presentation, I gave it my best and presented what I had memorised to the judges. I rarely used my que cards except for the time I had to read out the names of the research papers that I had referenced to. After we finished our presentations, we were about to eat lunch but was stopped to get interviewed for IMSA's Facebook live. We had to answer questions like when we first got interested in STEM, what our projects were about and which part of ISSF we were most looking forward to. After the 3 of us finished being interviewed, we had less than 10 minutes to get lunch and change. Valerie and I decided to skip lunch and we went to change quickly out of our formal attire into casual clothes to head to the Art Institute of Chicago. There we were challenged to find similarities between Artists and Scientists and taught how to view things from multiple perspectives. After we went to the University of Chicago and was given a tour by an undergraduate. We also listened to a QnA session on how to admission to the local universities in Chicago. When everything was done, my friends ate a boxed dinner there while I ate my dinner (instant noodles) back at the dorm.

{What is the cause of the success or failure?} 
The success of today's poster presentation was a result of last night's writing and memorising of the script and my continuous practice during breakfast as well. When I looked at other student's poster's their projects looked 100x more chimmer. I couldnt help but be in awe at their posters and felt that if I had done an even greater extensive research or if I had come up with a completely new topic, I may have produced a more impressive project. 

{What have you learnt?} 
One interesting fact I learnt from a poster presentation is that the beating of a heart is caused by the movement of calcium ions in and out of the heart.
I have also learnt that we have to really be confident and have good background knowledge on my project to be able to answer any question. Also, cramming is not the best idea as it made me really nervous before presentation.

{What would you do in the future?} 
In future, I would prepare much earlier to ensure that I am thoroughly prepared. I would also try to be more ambitious to come up with greater research ideas. I would like to see if there are any ways where i can currently extend the research I have done to write a conclusive research paper.

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